It has probably been the most complex challenge we have had due to the great geographic and cultural diversity of the territories where Digicel Group is present. We have brought legal music to territories where no other streaming service has done so before. We have licensed local content in territories and we have enjoyed every moment together with the wonderful Digicel d’Music team.
Digicel asked us to integrate the App with its own authentication system and commercial plans ¨Digicel ID¨. By doing so, with only a click its users can access the service and a wide range of plans that can be included in Bundle or as Ad On music service.
In addition to this, we faced a very big challenge in designing prices according to markets where ARPU simply did not allow us to sell just a Premium service. Thanks to the enormous support from all our content partners, Publishers and especially the three Major Labels, we created a unique model with special Tiers; because it is not the same to sell a service in Haiti as it is in Panama or Jamaica. Of course Kuack Media and Digicel used the Premium subscription model and also the Charts, developed exclusively by us, to be able to expand the offer and have a service at less than half the price of a traditional service like the one we are used to. As if that were not enough, we created plans in daily, weekly and monthly mode. We made the most flexible product in the world! And all with a single click and in a single App, with all the local music from the carnival of Trinidad and Tobago to the last hits of the great stars of music.
Many thought it was impossible, but here is d’Music!